Turnkey Solar EPC Solutions -Utility / MW Scale
In the recent years utility scale power plants have seen a major boost in India. India currently boasts close to 26 GW of power from utility scale solar energy plants. These plants can promptly fulfill Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) of the utilities while powering the grid with clean and green energy. Further this shall also enable the country to meet its target of 60 GW by 2022. The trend in solar prices has been adventitious. The tumbling down prices from INR 13/kWh to as low has INR 2.22/kWh in mere 8 years has been staggering. This change is attributed to the attractive policies and enabling regulations from the government. Additionally the intense competition in reverse auction with reduced borrowing rates, drastic reduction in prices of (Chinese) solar module has been key factors (to name a few) in this price development.
Advantages of On-Grid Systems
- Utilize the 100% power then and there generated and supply the excess power to Govt. when adequate load is not there to consume the generation.
- This Solar system will reduce power and diesel consumption. This is the most common type of system for larger power consumers.
- On-Grid Solar system fully utilizes the solar in first priority and then for the remaining differential power need, load will consume from the grid.
- This system is just connected to the meter and becomes a seamless part of the grid.
- This is the most economically viable topology, where battery bank is not required.
- Savings from the system lead to a payback period of up to 5 years. After that, End user gets free power for more than 20 years with a meager O&M cost.
- When the power goes off, still we need to run the generator for reference to the On-grid Solar plant, however the fuel consumption cost will be coming lower.

The grid connect inverter converts the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into 240V/415V AC electricity, which can then be used by the Consumer.
If a grid connect system is producing more power than is being consumed, the surplus is fed into the mains power grid to Govt. & the Govt. will adjust the same in your next electricity bill or pay you for the same.
GRANDSOL provides Turnkey Solar EPC solutions entangles into Land Procurement, Liaisoning, Design & Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Evacuation and Operation & Maintenance Services and ensures peace-of-mind to the customers on long-term.
Financing models of Developing MW Scale Solar PV Power Plants
- Capex (Capital Expenditure) Model in Open Access or Group Captive mode: In CAPEX model the End user will invest on the complete system with the EPC and this would be the End User’s own system forever. The End User will avail the cheapest cost electricity for next 25 plus years with meager O&M cost.
- Opex (Operational Expenditure) Model / BOOT (Built-Operate-Own-Transfer) Model (Pay per unit with Power Purchase Agreement): In Opex Model, the Solar Service Provider will invest on behalf of the end user with an agreement for purchasing the solar power for a differential cost for a mutually agreed fixed tenure and transfer the system to the end user after the tenures.

The above pie-chart represents a tentative breakup of utility scale solar power plants. It is clear that while there is reduction in module cost, it would take a major chunk of while setting up a power plant.