Solar Electric System Design,
Operation and Installation
An Overview for Builders in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
October 2009
Solar Electric System
Design, Operation and Installation
An Overview for Builders in the Pacific Northwest
October 2009
© 2009 Washington State University Extension Energy Program
905 Plum Street SE, Bldg 3
Olympia, WA 98504-3165
This publication contains material written and produced for public distribution.
Permission to copy or disseminate all or part of this material is granted, provided that the
copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage and that they are
referenced by title with credit to the Washington State University Extension Energy
The primary author of this overview was Carolyn Roos, Ph.D., of the Washington State
University Extension Energy Program. Mike Nelson of the Northwest Solar Center
provided very helpful consultation and a detailed review of several drafts. Kacia
Brockman of the Energy Trust of Oregon also provided very insightful review comments.
This publication was adapted and updated from one prepared for the Energy Trust of
Oregon, Inc. in 2005.
While the information included in this guide may be used to begin a preliminary analysis,
a professional engineer and other professionals with experience in solar photovoltaic
systems should be consulted for the design of a particular project.
Neither Washington State University nor its cooperating agencies, nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
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its cooperating agencies.
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
Evaluating a Site for Solar PV Potential................................................................... 2
Photovoltaic System Types......................................................................................... 5
System Components..................................................................................................... 8
Solar Modules............................................................................................................... 8
Array Mounting Racks............................................................................................... 11
Grounding Equipment................................................................................................ 12
Combiner Box............................................................................................................. 13
Surge Protection......................................................................................................... 13
Meters and Instrumentation...................................................................................... 13
Inverter......................................................................................................................... 14
Disconnects................................................................................................................. 16
Battery Bank................................................................................................................ 17
Charge Controller....................................................................................................... 18
Putting the System Together.................................................................................... 20
The Project Team....................................................................................................... 20
The NEC and PV Systems ....................................................................................... 21
Safety During the Installation ................................................................................... 21
Special Considerations in Wiring PV Systems...................................................... 22
System Design Considerations................................................................................ 23
System Considerations ............................................................................................. 23
Design Resources...................................................................................................... 23
Cost Considerations ................................................................................................... 25
For More Information – References ........................................................................ 26
Acronyms and Abbreviations................................................................................... 29
List of Figures
Figure 1. One common configuration of a grid-connected AC photovoltaic
system without battery back-up ..................................................................................... 6
Figure 2. One common configuration of a grid-connected AC photovoltaic
system with battery back-up........................................................................................... 7
As the demand for solar electric systems grows, progressive builders are adding solar
photovoltaics (PV) as an option for their customers. This overview of solar photovoltaic
systems will give the builder a basic understanding of:
Evaluating a building site for its solar potential
Common grid-connected PV system configurations and components
Considerations in selecting components
Considerations in design and installation of a PV system
Typical costs and the labor required to install a PV system
Building and electric code requirements
Where to find more information
Emphasis will be placed on information that will be useful in including a grid-connected
PV system in a bid for a residential or small commercial building. We will also cover
those details of the technology and installation that may be helpful in selecting
subcontractors to perform the work, working with a designer, and directing work as it
proceeds. A summary of system types and components is given so the builder will know
what to expect to see in a design submitted by a subcontractor or PV designer.
In 2008, the installed cost of a residential PV system in the United States typically ranged
from $8 to $10 per installed watt before government or utility incentives. For more detail
on costs, see the section titled “Cost Considerations.” For information on putting
together your installation team, refer to the section “The Project Team.”
Evaluating a Site for Solar PV Potential
Does the Pacific Northwest Have Good Solar Potential? – This is a very common
question and the answer is, yes, the Pacific Northwest gets enough sun for grid-connected
photovoltaic systems to operate well. The Northwest’s highest solar potential is east of
the Cascades. But even west of the Cascades, the Oregon’s Willamette Valley receives
as much solar energy annually as the U.S. average – as much over the course of the year
as southern France and more than Germany, the current leader in solar electric
installations. Under cloudy conditions, it is true that photovoltaics produce only 5 to 30
percent of their maximum output. However, because solar photovoltaics become less
efficient when hot, our cooler climate and our long summer days help make up for the
cloudy days.
Evaluating a Building Site – While the Pacific Northwest may have good to excellent
solar potential, not every building site will be suitable for a solar installation. The first
step in the design of a photovoltaic system is determining if the site you are considering
has good solar potential. Some questions you should ask are:
Is the installation site free from shading by nearby trees, buildings or other
Can the PV system be oriented for good performance?
Does the roof or property have enough area to accommodate the solar array?
If the array will be roof-mounted, what kind of roof is it and what is its condition?
Mounting Location – Solar modules are usually mounted on roofs. If roof area is not
available, PV modules can be pole-mounted, ground-mounted, wall-mounted or installed
as part of a shade structure (refer to the section “System Components/Array Mounting
Racks” below).
Shading – Photovoltaic arrays are adversely affected by shading. A well-designed PV
system needs clear and unobstructed access to the sun’s rays from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
throughout the year. Even small shadows, such as the shadow of a single branch of a
leafless tree can significantly reduce the power output of a solar module.
Shading from
the building itself – due to vents, attic fans, skylights, gables or overhangs – must also be
avoided. Keep in mind that an area may be unshaded during one part of the day, but
shaded at another part of the day. Also, a site that is unshaded in the summer may be
shaded in the winter due to longer winter shadows.
Orientation – In northern latitudes, by conventional wisdom PV modules are ideally
oriented towards true south.
But the tilt or orientation of a roof does not need to be
This is because when manufacturers assemble solar modules from cells, they wire groups of cells in series
with each other. Shading one cell will essentially turn off all the cells in its group.
Shading can be evaluated using tools such as the “Solar Path Finder” (
Deviations between magnetic and true south, referred to as magnetic declination, vary by location.
Magnetic declination changes slowly over time, so be sure to use data within the last decade or so. Obtain
perfect because solar modules produce 95 percent of their full power when within 20
degrees of the sun’s direction. Roofs that face east or west may also be acceptable. As
an example, a due west facing rooftop solar PV system, tilted at 20 degrees in Salem,
Oregon, will produce about 88 percent as much power as one pointing true south at the
same location. Flat roofs work well because the PV modules can be mounted on frames
and tilted up toward true south.
Optimum orientation can be influenced by typical local weather patterns. For example,
western Washington and Oregon frequently have a marine layer of fog that burns off by
late morning and so have better solar resource after noon than before noon. Thus, west of
the Cascades, the maximum power is generated with a southwest orientation.
Tilt – Generally the optimum tilt of a PV array in the Pacific Northwest equals the
geographic latitude minus about 15 degrees to achieve yearly maximum output of power.
An increased tilt favors power output in the winter and a decreased tilt favors output in
the summer. In western Washington and Oregon, with their cloudier winters, the
optimum angle is less than the optimum east of the Cascades.
Nevertheless, it is recommended that modules be installed at the same pitch as a sloping
roof, whatever that slope is, primarily for aesthetic reasons, but also because the tilt is
very forgiving. In Salem, Oregon, for example, tilts from 20 degrees to 45 degrees will
result in approximately the same power production over the course of the year. This is
because tilts that are less than the latitude of the site increase summer production when
the solar resource is most available here, but reduce winter production when it tends to be
cloudy anyway.
Required Area – Residential and small commercial systems require as little as 50 square
feet for a small system up to as much as 1,000 square feet. As a general rule for the
Pacific Northwest, every 1,000 watts of PV modules requires 100 square feet of collector
area for modules using crystalline silicon (currently the most common PV cell type).
Each 1,000 watts of PV modules can generate about 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year
in locations west of the Cascades and about 1,250 kWh per year east of the Cascades.
When using less efficient modules, such as amorphous silicon or other thin-film types,
the area will need to be approximately doubled. If your location limits the physical size
of your system, you may want to install a system that uses more-efficient PV modules.
Keep in mind that access space around the modules can add up to 20 percent to the
required area.
Roof Types – For roof-mounted systems, typically composition shingles are easiest to
work with and slate and tile roofs are the most difficult. Nevertheless, it is possible to
install PV modules on all roof types. If the roof will need replacing within 5 to 10 years,
it should be replaced at the time the PV system is installed to avoid the cost of removing
and reinstalling the PV system.
maps of magnetic declination at In Oregon,
magnetic declinations range from about 17 to 22 degrees east.
Building integrated PV (BIPV) modules, which can be integrated into the roof itself,
might be considered for new construction or for an older roof in need of replacing. While
BIPV products currently have a premium price, costs are expected to decrease.
Photovoltaic System Types
Photovoltaic system types can be broadly classified by answers to the following
Will it be connected to the utility’s transmission grid?
Will it produce alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) electricity, or
Will it have battery back-up?
Will it have back-up by a diesel, gasoline or propane generator set?
Here we will focus on systems that are connected to the utility transmission grid,
variously referred to as utility-connected, grid-connected, grid-interconnected, grid-tied
or grid-intertied systems. These systems generate the same quality of alternating current
(AC) electricity as is provided by your utility. The energy generated by a grid-connected
system is used first to power the AC electrical needs of the home or business. Any
surplus power that is generated is fed or “pushed” onto the electric utility’s transmission
grid. Any of the building’s power requirements that are not met by the PV system are
powered by the transmission grid. In this way, the grid can be thought of as a virtual
battery bank for the building.
Common System Types – Most new PV systems being installed in the United States are
grid-connected residential systems without battery back-up. Many grid-connected AC
systems are also being installed in commercial or public facilities.
The grid-connected systems we will be examining here are of two types, although others
exist. These are:
Grid-connected AC system with no battery or generator back-up.
Grid-connected AC system with battery back-up.
Example configurations of systems with and without batteries are shown in Figures 1 and
2. Note there are common variations on the configurations shown, although the essential
functions and general arrangement will be similar.
Is a Battery Bank Really Needed? – The simplest, most reliable, and least expensive
configuration does not have battery back-up. Without batteries, a grid-connected PV
system will shut down when a utility power outage occurs. Battery back-up maintains
power to some or all of the electric equipment, such as lighting, refrigeration, or fans,
even when a utility power outage occurs. A grid-connected system may also have
generator back-up if the facility cannot tolerate power outages.
As an example of a variation on the configuration shown in Figure 1, the inverter has been shown in an
interior location, while very often it is installed outside. If located outside, there may not be a need for a
separate Array Disconnect and Inverter DC Disconnect, as a single DC Disconnect can serve both
functions. In Figure 2, system meter functions are often included in charge controllers and so a separate
System Meter may not be required.
With battery back-up, power outages may not even be noticed. However, adding
batteries to a system comes with several disadvantages that must be weighed against the
advantage of power back-up. These disadvantages are:
Batteries consume energy during charging and discharging, reducing the
efficiency and output of the PV system by about 10 percent for lead-acid batteries.
Batteries increase the complexity of the system. Both first cost and installation
costs are increased.
Most lower cost batteries require maintenance.
Batteries will usually need to be replaced before other parts of the system and at
considerable expense.
Figure 1. One common configuration of a grid-connected AC photovoltaic
system without battery back-up
Figure 2. One common configuration of a grid-connected AC photovoltaic
system with battery back-up
System Components
Pre-engineered photovoltaic systems can be purchased that come with all the components
you will need, right down to the nuts and bolts. Any good dealer can size and specify
systems for you, given a description of your site and needs. Nevertheless, familiarity
with system components, the different types that are available, and criteria for making a
selection is important.
Basic components of grid-connected PV systems with and without batteries are:
Solar photovoltaic modules
Array mounting racks
Grounding equipment
Combiner box
Surge protection (often part of the combiner box)
Meters – system meter and kilowatt-hour meter
- Array DC disconnect
- Inverter DC disconnect
- Inverter AC disconnect
- Exterior AC disconnect
If the system includes batteries, it will also require:
Battery bank with cabling and housing structure
Charge controller
Battery disconnect
Solar Modules
The heart of a photovoltaic system is the solar module. Many photovoltaic cells are
wired together by the manufacturer to produce a solar module. When installed at a site,
solar modules are wired together in series to form strings. Strings of modules are
connected in parallel to form an array.
Module Types – Rigid flat framed modules are currently most common and most of these
are composed of silicon. Silicon cells have atomic structures that are single-crystalline
(a.k.a. mono-crystalline), poly-crystalline (a.k.a. multi-crystalline) or amorphous (a.k.a.
thin film silicon). Other cell materials used in solar modules are cadmium telluride
(CdTe, commonly pronounced “CadTel”) and copper indium diselenide (CIS). Some
modules are manufactured using combinations of these materials. An example is a thin
film of amorphous silicon deposited onto a substrate of single-crystalline silicon.
In 2005 approximately 90 percent of modules sold in the United States were composed of
crystalline silicon, either single-crystalline or poly-crystalline. The market share of
crystalline silicon is down from previous years, however, and continues to drop as sales
of amorphous silicon, CdTe and CIS modules are growing.
Building Integrated Photovoltaic Products – PV technology has been integrated into
roofing tiles, flexible roofing shingles, roofing membranes, adhesive laminates for metal
standing-seam roofs, windows, and other building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV)
products. BIPV modules are generally more expensive than rigid flat modules, but are
anticipated to eventually reduce overall costs of a PV system because of their dual
purpose. For more information on BIPV products, refer to the National Institute of
Building Sciences’ Whole Building Design Guide: Building Integrated Photovoltaics at
Rated Power – Grid-connected residential PV systems use modules with rated power
output ranging from 100-300 watts. Modules as small as 10 watts are used for other
applications. Rated power is the maximum power the panel can produce with 1,000 watts
of sunlight per square meter at a module temperature of 25
C or 77
F in still air. Actual
conditions will rarely match rated conditions and so actual power output will almost
always be less.
PV System Voltage – Modern systems without batteries are typically wired to provide
from 235V to 600V. In battery-based systems, the trend is also toward use of higher
array voltages, although many charge controllers still require lower voltages of 12V, 24V
or 48V to match the voltage of the battery string.
Using Manufacturer’s Product Information to Compare Modules – Since module costs
and efficiencies continue to change as technology and manufacturing methods improve, it
is difficult to provide general recommendations that will be true into the future regarding,
for example, which type of module is cheapest or the best overall choice. It is best to
make comparisons based on current information provided by manufacturers, combined
with the specific requirements of your application.
Two figures that are useful in comparing modules are the modules’ price per watt and the
rated power output per area (or efficiency). When looking through a manufacturer’s
catalog of solar modules, you will often find the rated power, the overall dimensions of
the module, and its price. Find the cost per watt by dividing the module’s price by its
rated output in watts. Find the watts per area, by dividing its rated output by its area.
Module Cost per Watt – As a general rule, thin film modules have lower costs than
crystalline silicon modules for modules of similar powers. For updates on module prices
refer to the Solarbuzz website at
Module Efficiency (Watts per Area) – Modules with higher efficiency will have a higher
ratio of watts to area. The higher the efficiency, the smaller the area (i.e. fewer modules)
will be required to achieve the same power output of an array. Installation and racking
costs will be less with more efficient modules, but this must be weighed against the
higher cost of the modules. Amorphous silicon, thin film CdTe and CIS modules have
rated efficiencies that are lower than crystalline silicon modules, but improvements in
efficiency continue.
Amorphous Silicon in Cloudy Climates – Of importance to the Pacific Northwest,
amorphous silicon modules have higher efficiency than crystalline silicon under overcast
conditions. In cloudy weather, all types of amorphous silicon modules tend to perform
better than crystalline silicon, with multi-junction (i.e. double- and triple-junction)
amorphous silicon modules performing as much as 15 percent better. In Britain, which
has a similar climate to ours, multi-junction amorphous silicon modules have been shown
to produce more power over the course of the year than crystalline silicon modules.
Note that because the power ratings of modules are determined under high light, their
rated efficiency (or rated watts per area), will not reflect performance in overcast
Poly-crystalline or Single-crystalline Silicon? – The power output of single-crystalline
and poly-crystalline modules of the same area is quite similar.
Both types of crystalline
silicon are very durable and have stable power output over time. Therefore, do not be too
concerned about the distinction between single-crystalline and poly-crystalline silicon in
selecting a module.
On the other hand, higher module efficiencies can be achieved by some combination
products that have recently appeared on the market, such as amorphous silicon deposited
on a single-crystalline substrate. These high efficiency modules may be a good choice
particularly if the area available for the installation is limited.
Silicon Modules versus Other Module Types? – The power output of CdTe modules has
been less stable than silicon modules,
although improvements are being made. For the
time being, as for modules of any type, check manufacturer’s warranties. A warranty
guaranteeing high power output over 20 to 25 years is an indication of the longevity of
the cell material.
Warranty – It is important to verify warranty periods of all components of the system,
including solar modules. Most modules are very durable, long lasting and can withstand
Either single-crystalline or poly-crystalline modules may have a higher output for the same size module,
depending on how the manufacturer lays out the cells. Single-crystalline silicon cells have a higher
efficiency (i.e. higher power output for a given cell area) compared to poly-crystalline. But this refers to
the efficiency of the
material not the module, and does not account for lost area due to the spaces between
cells. Single-crystalline cells can be more difficult to lay out compactly on a module because it is most
typically manufactured in circular sections. So while the poly-crystalline material itself is less efficient, it
often is more compactly laid out on a module.
Amorphous silicon suffers an initial decline in power, but its power output stabilizes and long term losses
are low. Manufacturers of amorphous silicon modules account for the initial loss in their power ratings and
so this does not represent a long term stability problem.
severe weather, including extreme heat, cold and hailstorms. Reflecting this longevity,
most silicon modules carry 20- or 25-year manufacturer warranties.
Array Mounting Racks
Arrays are most commonly mounted on roofs or on steel poles set in concrete. In certain
applications, they may be mounted at ground level or on building walls. Solar modules
can also be mounted to serve as part or all of a shade structure such as a patio cover. On
roof-mounted systems, the PV array is typically mounted on fixed racks, parallel to the
roof for aesthetic reasons and stood off several inches above the roof surface to allow
airflow that will keep them as cool as practical.
Adjustability – The tilt of sloped rooftop arrays is usually not changed, since this is
inconvenient in many cases and sometimes dangerous. However, many mounting racks
are adjustable, allowing resetting of the angle of the PV modules seasonally.
Tracking – Pole-mounted PV arrays can incorporate tracking devices that allow the array
to automatically follow the sun. Tracked PV arrays can increase the system’s daily
energy output by 25 percent to 40 percent. Despite the increased power output, tracking
systems usually are not justified by the increased cost and complexity of the system.
General Installation Notes – Proper roof mounting can be labor intensive, depending
largely on the type of roof and how the mounting brackets are installed and sealed. It is
best to follow the recommendations of the roofing contractor, racking system suppliers
and module manufacturers. Module manufacturers will provide details of support
requirements for their modules. A good racking supplier will provide code-compliant
engineering specifications with their product. As a general rule for bidding purposes,
however, it is typical to have one support bracket for every 100 watts of PV modules.
Particular attention must be given to securing the array directly to the structural members
of the roof and to weather sealing of roof penetrations. All details regarding attaching the
mounting brackets to the roof and sealing around them are best approved and carried out
by the roofing contractor so that the roof warranty will not be voided.
Asphalt Composition Roofs – For asphalt composition roofs, all mounts need to be
secured to the roof with stainless steel lag bolts, bolted into the rafters. Mount types
include support posts and L-brackets. Support posts are preferred because they are
designed to give a good seal on boots. Support posts are best mounted after the roof
decking is applied and before the roof material is installed. Support posts and roof jacks
may be installed by either the roofing contractor or the crew in charge of laying out the
array mounting system. The roofing contractor then flashes around the posts as they
install the roof.
It is very common to install mounts after the roof is installed, drilling through the asphalt
composition roofing to install the bolts. Sealant is then applied around the bolts without
flashing. As well, the top layer of roofing should be carefully lifted back to inject sealant
under the roofing. While this is much less labor intensive than when flashed, unless
performed by the roofing contractor, this method may void the warranty on the roof.
Metal Roofs – There are several types of standing seam metal roof products, including
vertical seam, horizontal seam and delta seam products. Currently, special clamps,
referred to as S-5 clamps, are available to attach arrays without any penetrations to
vertical and horizontal seam roofs and certain other standing seam roof profiles. These
clamps make installation of the solar array a relatively easy matter compared to any other
roof type. In contrast, clamps for delta seam metal roofs are not available. For these
roofs, it is necessary to cut into the roofing, install boots around the mounting posts, and
then seal the penetration. This being undesirable and labor intensive, it is best to clearly
specify in advance a vertical or horizontal seam metal roof or other roof type compatible
with S-5 clamps.
Other Roof Types – While it is possible to install a PV array on shake, tile and slate
roofs, these roof types pose certain problems. Contact the racking system supplier for
information on products and installation methods for these roof types. Work directly
with the roofing contractor before ordering the racking system. Also look for roof-
integrated modules that can be used with tile or slate roofs.
Roof Vents and Fans – We suggest installing roof vents, plumbing vents, and fans on the
north side of the roof to avoid interference with the solar array. This will also reduce the
potential for inadvertent shading of the array.
For More Information – Refer to Energy Trust of Oregon array mounting requirements
in their Solar Electric System Installation Requirements available at Also, refer to “A Guide
to Photovoltaic System Design and Installation” (California Energy Commission 2001).
Grounding Equipment
Grounding equipment provides a well-defined, low-resistance path from your system to
the ground to protect your system from current surges from lightning strikes or
equipment malfunctions. Grounding also stabilizes voltages and provides a common
reference point. The grounding harness is usually located on the roof.
Check with the AHJ – Grounding can be a particularly problematic issue. Be sure to
check with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) – typically the building department’s
electrical inspector – concerning local code requirements.
Equipment Grounding – Equipment grounding provides protection from shock caused
by a ground fault. A ground fault occurs when a current-carrying conductor comes into
contact with the frame or chassis of an appliance or electrical box. All system
components and any exposed metal, including equipment boxes, receptacles, appliance
frames and PV mounting equipment, should be grounded.
System Grounding – System grounding requires taking one conductor from a two-wire
system and connecting it to ground. In a DC system, this means bonding the negative
conductor to ground at one single point in the system. This must be accomplished inside
the inverter, not at the PV array.
NEC 2005 and System Grounding – In 2005, the National Electrical Code (NEC) was
modified to remove the requirement for system grounding, although your local
jurisdiction may not have adopted this revision. The requirement for system grounding
was removed to permit transformerless utility-interactive inverters, which have higher
efficiency. There are several additional NEC requirements intended to ensure that
ungrounded arrays are as safe as grounded arrays, although this is still a point of
controversy. Refer to NEC 690 (2005) for details, and to the IAEI News article
“Photovoltaic Power Systems and 2005 NEC” by John Wiles at for a brief summary of these requirements.
Combiner Box
Wires from individual PV modules or strings are run to the combiner box, typically
located on the roof. These wires may be single conductor pigtails with connectors that
are pre-wired onto the PV modules. The output of the combiner box is one larger two-
wire conductor in conduit. A combiner box typically includes a safety fuse or breaker for
each string and may include a surge protector.
Surge Protection
Surge protectors help to protect your system from power surges that may occur if the PV
system or nearby power lines are struck by lightning. A power surge is an increase in
voltage significantly above the design voltage.
Meters and Instrumentation
Essentially two types of meters are used in PV systems:
Utility Kilowatt-hour Meter
System Meter
Utility Kilowatt-Hour Meter – The utility kilowatt-hour meter measures energy delivered
to or from the grid. On homes with solar electric systems, utilities typically install
bidirectional meters with a digital display that keeps separate track of energy in both
directions. Some utilities will allow you to use a conventional meter that can spin in
reverse. In this case, the utility meter spins forward when you are drawing electricity
from the grid and backwards when your system is feeding or “pushing” electricity onto
the grid.
System Meter – The system meter measures and displays system performance and status.
Monitored points may include power production by modules, electricity used, and battery
charge. It is possible to operate a system without a system meter, though meters are
strongly recommended. Modern charge controllers incorporate system monitoring
functions and so a separate system meter may not be necessary.
Inverters take care of four basic tasks of power conditioning:
Converting the DC power coming from the PV modules or battery bank to AC
Ensuring that the frequency of the AC cycles is 60 cycles per second
Reducing voltage fluctuations
Ensuring that the shape of the AC wave is appropriate for the application, i.e. a
pure sine wave for grid-connected systems
Criteria for Selecting a Grid-Connected Inverter – The following factors should be
considered for a grid-connected inverter:
A UL1741 listing of the inverter for use in a grid-interactive application
The voltage of the incoming DC current from the solar array or battery bank.
The DC power window of the PV array
Characteristics indicating the quality of the inverter, such as high efficiency and
good frequency and voltage regulation
Additional inverter features such as meters, indicator lights, and integral safety
Manufacturer warranty, which is typically 5-10 years
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) capability, which maximizes power
Most grid-connected inverters can be installed outdoors, while most off-grid inverters are
not weatherproof. There are essentially two types of grid-interactive inverters: those
designed for use with batteries and those designed for a system without batteries.
Power Quality – Inverters for grid-connected systems produce better than utility-quality
power. For grid-connection, the inverter must have the words “Utility-Interactive”
printed directly on the listing label.
Voltage Input – The inverter’s DC voltage input window must match the nominal
voltage of the solar array, usually 235V to 600V for systems without batteries and 12, 24
or 48 volts for battery-based systems.
AC Power Output – Grid-connected systems are sized according to the power output of
the PV array, rather than the load requirements of the building. This is because any
power requirements above what a grid-connected PV system can provide is automatically
drawn from the grid.
Surge Capacity – The starting surge of equipment such as motors is not a consideration
in sizing grid-connected inverters. When starting, a motor may draw as much as seven
times its rated wattage. For grid-connected systems, this start-up surge is automatically
drawn from the grid.
Frequency and Voltage Regulation – Better quality inverters will produce near constant
output voltage and frequency.
Efficiency – Modern inverters commonly used in residential and small commercial
systems have peak efficiencies of 92 percent to 94 percent, as rated by their
manufacturers. Actual field conditions usually result in overall efficiencies of about 88
percent to 92 percent. Inverters for battery-based systems have slightly lower
Integral Safety Disconnects – The AC disconnect in most inverter models may not meet
requirements of the electric utility (see section “Disconnects”). Therefore, a separate
exterior AC disconnect may be required even if one is included in the inverter. All
inverters that are UL listed for grid-connection include both DC disconnects (PV input)
and AC disconnects (inverter output). In better inverters, the inverter section can be
removed separately from the DC and AC disconnects, facilitating repair.
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)Modern non-battery based inverters include
maximum power point tracking. MPPT automatically adjusts system voltage such that
the PV array operates at its maximum power point. For battery-based systems, this
feature has recently been incorporated into better charge controllers.
Inverter-Chargers – For battery-based systems, inverters are available with a factory-
integrated charge controller, referred to as inverter-chargers. Be sure to select an
inverter-charger that is rated for grid-connection, however. In the event of a grid power
outage, use of an inverter-charger that is not set up for grid-connection would result in
overcharging and damaging the batteries, known as “cooking the batteries.”
Automatic Load Shedding For battery-based systems, the inverter can automatically
shed any unnecessary loads in the event of a utility power outage. Solar loads, i.e. the
loads that will be kept powered up during the outage, are connected to a separate
electrical sub-panel. A battery-based system must be designed to power these critical
Warranty – Inverters typically carry warranties of 5 years, although the industry is
moving toward a 10-year warranty. The transformer and solid state components of an
inverter are both susceptible to overheating and damage from power spikes, reducing its
life. Transformerless inverters, long available in Europe, are beginning to move into the
U.S. market.
To Consider When Researching Inverters – Many references on sizing and selecting
inverters have been developed for off-grid systems, but may not clearly state that they are
specific to off-grid systems. Sizing and selecting grid-connected inverters entails
different considerations and is easier, since the system does not have to provide 100
percent of the energy requirements. In particular, peak energy demand and surge
capacity do not need to be considered for grid-connected systems.
Automatic and manual safety disconnects protect the wiring and components from power
surges and other equipment malfunctions. They also ensure the system can be safely shut
down and system components can be removed for maintenance and repair. For grid-
connected systems, safety disconnects ensure that the generating equipment is isolated
from the grid, which is important for the safety of utility personnel. In general, a
disconnect is needed for each source of power or energy storage device in the system.
For each of the functions listed below, it is not always necessary to provide a separate
disconnect. For example, if an inverter is located outdoors, a single DC disconnect can
serve the function of both the array DC disconnect and the inverter DC disconnect.
Before omitting a separate disconnect, however, consider if this will ever result in an
unsafe condition when performing maintenance on any component. Also consider the
convenience of the disconnect’s location. An inconveniently located disconnect may lead
to the tendency to leave the power on during maintenance, resulting in a safety hazard.
Array DC Disconnect – The array DC disconnect, also called the PV disconnect, is used
to safely interrupt the flow of electricity from the PV array for maintenance or
troubleshooting. The array DC disconnect may also have integrated circuit breakers or
fuses to protect against power surges.
Inverter DC Disconnect – Along with the inverter AC disconnect, the inverter DC
disconnect is used to safely disconnect the inverter from the rest of the system. In many
cases, the inverter DC disconnect will also serve as the array DC disconnect.
Inverter AC Disconnect – The inverter AC disconnect disconnects the PV system from
both the building’s electrical wiring and the grid. Frequently, the AC disconnect is
installed inside the building’s main electrical panel. However, if the inverter is not
located near the electrical panel, an additional AC disconnect should be installed near the
Exterior AC Disconnect – Utilities commonly require an exterior AC disconnect that is
lockable, has visible blades and is mounted next to the utility meter so that it is accessible
to utility personnel. An AC disconnect located inside the electrical panel or integral to
the inverter would not satisfy these requirements. One alternative that is as acceptable to
some utilities as an accessible AC disconnect is the removal of the meter itself, but this is
not the norm. Prior to purchasing equipment, consult the electric utility to determine
their requirements for interconnection.
Battery DC Disconnect – In a battery-based system, the battery DC disconnect is used to
safely disconnect the battery bank from the rest of the system.
Battery Bank
Batteries store direct current electrical energy for later use. This energy storage comes at
a cost, however, since batteries reduce the efficiency and output of the PV system,
typically by about 10 percent for lead-acid batteries. Batteries also increase the
complexity and cost of the system.
Types of batteries commonly used in PV systems are:
Lead-acid batteries
- Flooded (a.k.a. Liquid vented)
- Sealed (a.k.a. Valve-Regulated Lead Acid)
o Absorbent glass mat
o Gel cell
Alkaline batteries
- Nickel-cadmium
- Nickel-iron
Lead-Acid Batteries – Lead-acid batteries are most common in PV systems in general
and sealed lead acid batteries are most commonly used in grid-connected systems.
Sealed batteries are spill-proof and do not require periodic maintenance. Flooded lead-
acid batteries are usually the least expensive but require adding distilled water at least
monthly to replenish water lost during the normal charging process.
There are two types of sealed lead acid batteries: sealed absorbent glass mat (AGM) and
gel cell. AGM lead-acid batteries have become the industry standard, as they are
maintenance free and particularly suited for grid-tied systems where batteries are
typically kept at a full state of charge. Gel-cell batteries, designed for freeze-resistance,
are generally a poor choice because any overcharging will permanently damage the
Alkaline Batteries – Because of their relatively high cost, alkaline batteries are only
recommended where extremely cold temperatures (-50
F or less) are anticipated or for
certain commercial or industrial applications requiring their advantages over lead-acid
batteries. These advantages include tolerance of freezing or high temperatures, low
maintenance requirements, and the ability to be fully discharged or over-charged without
Sizing Battery Banks – For grid-connected systems, batteries are usually sized for
relatively short time periods with 8 hours being typical. Size may vary, however,
depending on the particular needs of a facility and the length of power outages expected.
For comparison, battery banks for off-grid systems are usually sized for one to three
cloudy days.
Interaction with Solar Modules – The solar array must have a higher voltage than the
battery bank in order to fully charge the batteries. For systems with battery back-up, pay
particular attention to the rated voltage of the module, also called the maximum power
point (V
), in the electrical specifications. It is important that the voltage is high
enough relative to the voltage of a fully charged battery. For example, rated voltages
between 16.5V and 17.5V are typical for a 12V system using liquid lead-acid batteries.
Higher voltages may be required for long wiring distances between the modules and the
charge controller and battery bank.
Charge Controller
A charge controller, sometimes referred to as a photovoltaic controller or battery
charger, is only necessary in systems with battery back-up. The primary function of a
charge controller is to prevent overcharging of the batteries. Most also include a low-
voltage disconnect that prevents over-discharging batteries. In addition, charge
controllers prevent charge from draining back to solar modules at night. Some modern
charge controllers incorporate maximum power point tracking, which optimizes the PV
array’s output, increasing the energy it produces.
Types of Charge Controllers – There are essentially two types of controllers: shunt and
series. A shunt controller bypasses current around fully charged batteries and through a
power transistor or resistance heater where excess power is converted into heat. Shunt
controllers are simple and inexpensive, but are only designed for very small systems.
Series controllers stop the flow of current by opening the circuit between the battery and
the PV array. Series controllers may be single-stage or pulse type. Single-stage
controllers are small and inexpensive and have a greater load-handling capacity than
shunt-type controllers. Pulse controllers and a type of shunt controller referred to as a
multi-stage controller (e.g., three-stage controller) have routines that optimize battery
charging rates to extend battery life.
Most charge controllers are now three-stage controllers. These chargers have
dramatically improved battery life.
Selection Charge controllers are selected based on:
PV array voltage The controller’s DC voltage input must match the nominal
voltage of the solar array.
PV array current
The controller must be sized to handle the maximum current
produced by the PV array.
Interaction with Inverter – Since the majority of charge controllers have been installed
in off-grid systems, their default settings may not be appropriate for a grid-connected
system. The charge controller must be set up such that it does not interfere with the
proper operation of the inverter. In particular, the controller must be set up such that
charging the batteries from the PV array takes precedence over charging from the grid.
For more information, contact the manufacturer.
Interaction with Batteries – The charge controller must be selected to deliver the
charging current appropriate for the type of batteries used in the system. For example, on
a 12V system, flooded lead-acid batteries have a voltage of 14.6V to 15.0V when fully
charged, while sealed lead-acid batteries are fully charged at 14.1 V. Refer to the battery
manufacturer for the charging requirements of particular batteries.
Putting the System Together
The Project Team
The most satisfactory installations are the result of team effort, with each team member
contributing their particular expertise and coordinating their work with the others. The
person most familiar with electrical codes – the electrical contractor or electrician – may
be unfamiliar with the unique particulars of PV system installations. On the other hand,
the PV system designer or vendor is an expert on PV system requirements but may not be
familiar with the intricacies of the NEC.
Further, there must be coordination between all subcontractors to ensure that, for
example, the solar array is not inadvertently shaded by a vent stack, attic fan, or
The roofing contractor must coordinate with those installing the PV system in
mounting the array. Prior to purchasing any equipment the utility should be contacted to
determine their requirements for interconnection with the grid. Early stage involvement
of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (usually a building or electrical inspector) as a
member of the project team will also contribute to the success of the project.
Solar or Electrical Subcontractor? – A general contractor may face a choice between
using an electrical subcontractor or a solar subcontractor to install the PV system. A
good solar contractor will have the expertise in solar PV systems plus qualified
electricians on staff. On the other hand, the general contractor may prefer an electrical
contractor with whom he or she has a longstanding relationship. An experienced
electrical contractor who goes the extra step in researching PV’s special requirements
will generally be qualified to install a PV system. Note that the builder may need to
impress upon an electrical contractor that PV systems do have unique requirements and
manufacturer’s directions must be studied and strictly adhered to.
On-Site Preconstruction Meeting – It is quite typical that the PV system installation and
general electrical work are performed by different contractors. We suggest an on-site
preconstruction meeting with the electrician and the solar installer to discuss where one
job ends and the other begins.
Constructing a “Solar Ready” Building – Even if the PV system is not installed during
construction of the building, the builder can install those runs of conduit that would be
difficult to do later as a retrofit, thus making the building “solar ready.”
Investigate the Vendor’s History – It is important to investigate the track record of all
vendors, including the warranties they offer on equipment. As one example, when
AstroPower went bankrupt and was acquired by General Electric in 2004, the warranties
on previously manufactured AstroPower modules were not honored by General Electric.
As mentioned before, install vents and fans on the north side of the roof to avoid interference with the
solar array.
AstroPower modules can still be purchased, but do not come with manufacturer’s
The NEC and PV Systems
Solar PV systems must be installed in accordance with Article 690 of the National
Electric Code, which specifically deals with PV systems, as well as several other articles
of the NEC that pertain to electrical systems in general. When there is a conflict between
NEC 690 and any other article, NEC 690 takes precedence due to the unique nature of
PV systems. Articles of the NEC applicable to PV systems are:
NEC 690 – Solar Photovoltaic Systems
NEC 230 – Disconnect Means
NEC 240 – Overcurrent Protection
NEC 250 – Grounding
NEC 300 to NEC 384 – Wiring Methods
A good summary of NEC 690 (2002) is given in Photovoltaics: Design and Installation
Manual (Solar Energy International 2007) in the chapter titled “System Wiring.” NEC
690 includes requirements on sizing, selecting and installation of wiring, conduit,
overcurrent protection, disconnects, and grounding. NEC 690 addresses many other
issues as well, such as interconnection to the utility grid, equipment listing, and
Note that a new edition of NEC 690 was released in 2005. For a summary, refer to the
article “Photovoltaic Power Systems and 2005 NEC” (IAEI News, March/April 2005),
which is available at both and
Safety During the Installation
Roof-mounted PV systems require that subcontractors, including electricians, work on
the roof. It is the builder’s legal responsibility to ensure that the installer follows safe
practices during the installation. Lack of proper safety equipment can result in significant
fines to the builder. For details of safety requirements refer to the federal Occupational
Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 2001 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter
29 Part 1926, “Safety and Health Regulations for Construction” at
A danger specific to PV systems is that solar modules generate DC electricity when
exposed to light. As well, PV systems may have multiple electrical sources – modules,
the utility grid, and perhaps batteries. Manufacturers of modules and other electrical
components will provide safety precautions that should be carefully followed.
In addition to the electrical hazards, hefting modules onto a sloped roof poses a hazard.
When installing modules on the roof, at least one safety eye must be installed for tying
off. Work is facilitated by installing two safety eyes and a line between them for
attaching the lanyard, thus allowing the installer to move back and forth more freely.
Special Considerations in Wiring PV Systems
In wiring solar PV systems, there are at least two concerns that an electrical contractor or
electrician may not have previous experience with. First, the system on the array side of
the inverter must be designed for DC power, which requires larger wire sizes than for AC
power at the same voltage. Second, array wiring must be sized and selected to withstand
elevated temperatures. The ampacity, which is the current-carrying ability of a wire,
must be adjusted to account for temperature conditions that occur in PV systems. Wiring
sizing is detailed in NEC 690. Worksheets on wiring sizing are included in the
Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual (Solar Energy International 2007). Refer
to the section “For More Information – References” below for ordering information.
Exterior Wiring – For PV systems in general, wiring in exterior locations must be
suitable for the outdoor, wet environment; suitable for exposure to sunlight; and able to
operate in temperatures in the range of 65-80
C (149-176° F). Wiring will be subjected
to the highest temperatures in the junction boxes of solar modules; these conductors
should have insulation rated for 90
C (194° F).
Module Pigtails – In contrast to other NEC articles, NEC 690 allows exposed, single-
conductor cables for interconnecting PV modules. This allows PV modules to be
manufactured with permanently attached pigtail conductors with multi-contact (MC)
connectors on the ends. Such module pigtails are becoming standard and significantly
reduce the labor required for installing the array.
Roofing Penetrations for Conduit – Particular attention should be paid to sealing around
roof penetrations for conduit. As with sealing around the array mounting brackets, this is
best handled by the roofing contractor to ensure the roof warranty is not voided.
System Design Considerations
System Considerations
In designing a PV system, it is important to consider the system as a whole: how the
components work together and how the PV system fits in with the building.
Pre-engineered PV Systems – It is important to properly size and match each component
such that the overall system operates optimally. To address this concern, many
distributors offer pre-engineered systems in which components are selected to work
together as a unit. Pre-engineering may not guarantee a flawless system, but the concerns
over product compatibility and specification of individual components will have been
addressed up front.
PV Modules and the Building Design – The builder or PV designer must also consider
the PV system and the building as a system. The PV array should be located considering
the aesthetics of the building. As well, the modules must be located so that building
features such as gables and overhangs do not shade the modules. This usually means
locating the array on the roof as close as possible to the ridge.
The builder should consider designing a south facing roof for the array for optimum
power production. As noted previously, the orientation of the array is very forgiving,
however, and the roof does not need to face directly south, if not possible given other
design constraints.
Design Resources
Printed References – There are many good references and resources that provide in-
depth discussions of the technical aspects of system design. Two design references are:
Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual, Solar Energy International (SEI),
This manual has worksheets, guidelines and considerations for sizing and wiring
solar arrays, battery systems, inverters, and other system components. As a word
of caution, this manual focuses on off-grid systems, with the special
considerations of grid-connected systems discussed in a separate chapter. This
manual is available at
Photovoltaic Systems Engineering, Roger A. Messenger and Jerry Ventre, Second
Edition, CRC Press, New York, NY, 2004.
This engineering text contains practical information on PV systems and
components, mounting, grid-connection, and other issues. Topics are discussed in
more detail than in the SEI reference above, although sometimes the theory and
detail given is more than is necessary for the builder or installer. Order from CRC
Press at or from other online booksellers.
Distributors – Distributors are very good resources in developing a design. They will be
able to size and select the major components of your system given a basic description of
your site, but will leave wire sizing to the installer.
Software Tools – Many software tools for design of PV systems are available online.
Online tools useful in designing a PV system include:
PVWatts™ ( or is a
free, internet-based model that calculates electrical energy produced by a grid-
connected photovoltaic system.
RETScreen® ( is a free spreadsheet-based
model for grid-connected and off-grid systems. Developed with support of
Natural Resources Canada.
Cost Considerations
In including a PV system in a bid to a customer, the builder must know typical costs of
PV systems and the labor that will be required to install it.
Typical Installed Costs – In 2008, the installed cost of a residential PV system in the U.S.
typically ranged from $8 to $10 per installed watt before government or utility incentives.
Factors affecting cost include the size and type of the system, use of battery back-up, and
mounting requirements. Larger systems, of course, cost more in absolute terms than
smaller systems, but the cost per installed watt is somewhat less. Incentive programs can
substantially reduce installed costs. For more information on incentives, visit the DSIRE
database at In Oregon, visit the Energy Trust of Oregon website at
Component Costs – Solar modules are the most expensive component of the system.
Information on typical system component prices can be found on the website of
Solarbuzz at In 2009, the cost of modules
in the United States typically ranges from $4 to $6 per watt. In a system without
batteries, inverters are the second most costly component. In 2009, inverters cost on
average less than $1 per watt. Batteries increase the complexity of the system and thus
impact both material and labor costs. In 2009, batteries cost on average $2 per watt-hour.
Cost Tradeoffs – Consider cost tradeoffs when planning a PV system. For example,
while less efficient modules may have a lower cost per installed watt than modules with
higher efficiency, they also will take up more space and require a larger racking system.
Mounting costs will be considerably greater and should be considered against the cost
savings of the modules.
Labor Costs – The labor required to install a PV system varies depending on building
layouts and roofing types. An experienced crew can install a 2 kW non-battery PV
system in two- to four-person days. Systems with large solar arrays require relatively
less effort per watt of power than smaller systems. If batteries are included in the PV
system, both material and installation costs will be greater. Batteries can add 50 percent
to 100 percent to the time required for the installation.
For More Information – References
California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA,
Download A Guide to Photovoltaic (PV) System Design and Installation, prepared
by Endecon Engineering, with Regional Economic Research, Inc., 2001.
Available at, this
guidebook provides design considerations and installation guidelines to installers
of photovoltaic systems.
Energy Trust of Oregon, Portland, OR,
Visit the following websites to find information on installing a photovoltaic
system using financial incentives from the Energy Trust of Oregon:
o Residences:
o Businesses:
Solar Electric System Installation Requirements, v 13, revised 5/18/09.
Obtain design and installation criteria for solar electric systems qualifying for
International Association of Electrical Inspectors,
The IAEI’s online bimonthly series “Perspectives on PV” covers many practical
issues on photovoltaic systems, including installation tips, equipment, code
requirements, and inspection. The current edition and archived articles are
available at (In browsing the
archives, note you must select both the month on the calendar and the year from
the list below the calendar.)
Messenger, Roger A. and Jerry Ventre, “Photovoltaic Systems Engineering”, Second
Edition, CRC Press, New York, NY 2004
An engineering text with practical information on PV systems and components,
mounting, grid-connection and other topics. Order from CRC Press at or from other online booksellers
North Carolina Solar Center, Raleigh, NC,
Siting of Active Solar Collectors and Photovoltaic Modules,” (2001) discusses
evaluation of a building site for its solar potential at .
Northwest Solar Center, Seattle, WA,
Visit Northwest Solar Center’s website under “Useful Tools” for links to
PVWatts, SMA Sizing and the NW Solar Center Load Calculator for sizing
photovoltaic systems
Washington State’s production incentives are summarized under “Incentive
Download publications on photovoltaics that are especially relevant to the Pacific
Oregon Department of Energy, Salem, OR,
Visit ODOE’s website to download publications such as:
o Oregon Solar Electric Guide: Independent and Utility-Connected Homes
o Photovoltaics: Basic Design Principles and Components (U.S.
Department of Energy 1997),
Find information on support for solar energy in Oregon, including tax credits,
property tax exemptions, and the energy loan program.
Locate solar contractors certified by the Oregon Department of Energy.
Russell, Scott, “Solar-Electric Systems Simplified,” Home Power Magazine, No. 104,
December 2004/January 2005
A brief summary of configurations and components of solar photovoltaic systems.,
Visit Solarbuzz’s “Expo” to find contacts for solar PV installers, and
manufacturer contacts for solar modules, inverters, batteries, and charge
controllers, at
Information on typical system component prices can be found at
Solar Energy International, Carbondale, CO,
Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual, Solar Energy International (SEI),
SEI regularly offers training on photovoltaic design and installation and other
renewable energy systems in locations throughout North America. Check out
their workshop schedules at
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE),
The EERE’s website on “Connecting Your System to the Electricity Grid” has
information on equipment required to connect your system to the grid, grid
connection requirements of your power provider, and state and community codes
and requirements at
The EERE’s website on “Small Solar Electric Systems” includes information on
many aspects of photovoltaic systems with links to resources available at
The EERE’s publication “Planning for PV: The Value and Cost of Solar
Electricity” provides a brief summary of system costs, state and federal rebates,
and typical property value increases for several sites in the U.S. at
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Absorbent glass mat (AGM)
Alternating current (AC)
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)
Building integrated PV (BIPV)
Cadmium telluride (CdTe)
California Energy Commission (CEC)
Copper indium diselenide (CIS)
Direct current (DC)
International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI)
Kilowatt-hours (kWh)
Maximum power point (V
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
Multi-contact (MC)
National Electrical Code (NEC)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE)
Photovoltaics (PV)
Total solar resource fraction (TSRF)
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)