(5) Procedure of billing & accounting
(a) Non Time of Day Tariff Consumers:
surplus units injected by the
consumer shall be carried forward to
the next billing period as energy
credit and shown as energy exported
by the consumer for adjustment
against the energy consumed in
subsequent billing periods within the
settlement period.
(b) Time of Day Tariff Consumers
The electricity consumption in any time block
(e.g., peak hours, off-peak hours, etc.) shall
be first compensated with the electricity
generation in the similar time blocks in the
same billing cycle.
If the consumer is injecting energy in the
peak hours or in a time block when
Distribution Licensee is having more demand
than the available energy, Distribution
Licensee with the approval of the Commission
may propose incentives to such consumers
(6) Tariff at the end of financial year
for surplus energy
The Consumer shall be paid for net
energy credits which remain
unadjusted at the end of the financial
year at the rate of Average Power
Purchase Cost (APPC)
(7) Theft and Tempering of Meter(s)
As per Electricity Act 2003
(8) Dispute Resolution : by DERC
(9)Violation of guidelines : Penalty as
decided by DERC
(10) Powers to amend : DERC